Déjà vu
Hello everyone, actually this is one of the sudden decisions I made to clear my head and produce something after finishing the 1899 series while I was planning to spend a nice and productive weekend. In this article, I wanted to pour myself out, more importantly, I could find someone who can make it easier for me to understand this feeling.
May your coffee kick in before reality does.
I have encountered déjà vu in many areas of my life. This happened when I walked into a new place, listened to some music, or even met a person once. I felt as if I had met that person in a previous life. These feelings are either a very powerful illusion or a fact whose reality is undeniably likely to have happened earlier. Life is constantly throwing something new before us and we are getting closer to solving the puzzle with each piece. Here, the word puzzle means the secrets of life. I believe that everything that happens has a reason. Nothing comes out of nowhere. Every person who comes, every sign and every action we take has a cause and consequences. Just as every expression has a value, all these meanings combine to create an awakening in us. Life is like a solid mystery series where you finally figure it out.
Déjà vu (foreseeing) (French pronunciation: [deʒa vy] [deja vu]), the feeling of having experienced an event before or having seen a place seen before. The moment is the state of having lived before.
When we look at the scientific causes of déjà vu, the explanation is given as follows: The brain has an image, sound, etc., due to a feeling of tiredness or other reasons. It may be due to the fact that it cannot detect any input during the input moment. When the brain perceives this input, the person may feel that he has experienced this event before. It can also be caused by the right and left hemispheres of the brain working with a time difference of less than a millisecond. Since one side perceives before the other, the party who perceives late gets the illusion that this event has happened before. This condition is caused by a small deviation in nerve axons.
But what if it’s not that simple? There has to be a moment in your life that feels weirdest when you think there must be more. Even if you didn’t search for it at that moment, it must have puzzled you. Well, what do you think we should do, I’m really asking.
We’re born into this world either a seeker or an avoider. To be an avoider is pure bliss. To be a seeker, on the other hand, brings nothing but pain. You will open every door, step into the darkest voids, driven by the urge to gain more knowledge.
What if all this is a sign given to you by the universe? For a long time, I can say that I have received signs. I’ve been seeing certain patterns and numbers for a long time. When I researched this, I came across a research branch such as numerology. I can really feel that some things fit the description. It actually feels weirdly good. Pursuing a desire to solve something gives me purpose. Having a purpose makes life meaningful. Perhaps one of the greatest pains can be that a person cannot find meaning somewhere and is stuck in that apathy. This is also referred to as an existential crisis in some sources. My biggest fear is that I still haven’t found the meaning I needed to find when the end comes. However, I am of the opinion that meaning is not something to be found, but that the whole process is a meaning. That’s why everything we’ve lived and survived comes back to us not only as an experience but also with a chillingly beautiful meaning. Assimilating and applying this is a situation that is left to the preferences and time of the person. Somehow, although we learn from everything we’ve experienced, some things need to be stimulated more than once before we can truly understand them. Like the charm of a sin committed even though it is known to be wrong, we leave aside the negative effects of wrong choices and wish that the feeling of pleasure we feel at that moment will last forever.
I believe that déjà vu comes as a reminder of the important but forgotten things we did in our previous or current life. I believe it is not just déjà vu, but any sign you get from life. Some may think that life is cruel and unfair, but all it takes is for people to change their perspective to get out of here alive. Reality or life puts obstacles in our way to keep us on the right path, not because it wants our bad. When we think about it from this perspective, we can make everything more meaningful. In fact, writing was not limited to deja vu, it evolved into other places, but they all have a connection with each other, and that is to better understand the reality we live in.
“If you want to understand the mystery of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, vibrational laws.”
Nikola Tesla
I believe that life is formed by the succession of certain cycles. When one cycle ends, another begins. The only way to finish a cycle is to learn from that cycle. If we are starting over in each cycle, we should be able to use the teachings of the previous cycle. We must always be more than we are. To improve myself and go further in every cycle. We must not make the same mistakes, otherwise, we cannot go beyond where we are.
Dear me, don’t fall back into your old patterns just because they’re familiar.
I think that déjà vu is an energy that reaches us from moments we have forgotten but lived, and I think they are more important than we think. The real question should be: Are we ready to wake up from this cycle or simulation?
Thank you for your time.